Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Year of War: Hellblaster Team Manca

Kill Team Manca -- Hellblaster Support

Sgt. Manca, stepping on the face of a fallen carnifex.

Manca brings with him the Jade macuahuitl,
the most ceremonial of weapons. 

The Sky Hunter Chapter was almost completely annihilated by a
corrupt Rogue Trader who had fallen to chaos- only saved by the
New Primaris Marines. Manca carries the skull of the Rogue Trader's
trusted seneschal into battle. 

Brother Brannagh of the Marrow Knights Primaris Chapter,
sent to learn everything he can about fighting the Xenos. 

I tried to sprinkle in bits from the Deathwatch kit, like Brannagh's
helmet, wherever possible just to keep things interesting. 

Brother Boleslaw with his trusty servoskull SĹ‚oneczko directing
the squad's fire- he believes that Manco treats the Hellblaster
position like a gaggle of big game hunter's rather than a
organized fire support unit. 

Boleslaw is of the Auroch Chapter.

Brother Adelmar prefers to keep his cybernetic eye unimpeded
by a helmet whenever possible- with tangible accuracy improvements!

Adelmar is closely related to the Imperial Fist chapter as a whole,
being a member of the 'Gauntlet's of Dorn' Chapter. 
Finally we have the irreverent Brother Karthus.

A Primaris Blackshield raises eyebrows amongst his comrades,
it's rumored that he may have been from a paticularly traditionalist
chapter that rejected him when they found that he accepted the upgrade
to a Primaris. Or maybe some act of corwardice- who can say? 

The Team's Shoulderpad's.