Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Magus Conclaves, Frostgrave Wizards, and a New Champion

Some light work coming into this week, mostly involving those magic wielding villains that we all know and love. It started when I painted up the pair of Sorceresses from Hasslefree miniatures. Bought to add to my roster of Frostgrave appropriate wizards when on a whim I painted them to match my Varangur army- which turned my thoughts to finally modelling some Magus Conclaves! So I found two bases and went to work!

Astrine and Elsif Alfrdottir, the Half-Elven Twins, naturally gifted
in the arcane, and students of forbidden magics.

Recruited by Arcadius the Exile, the two act as his proteges and apprentices-
all the while certainly awaiting a chance to usurp his position and power.
Any combination of the three are perfect as individual Magus's for KoW or
pairs for Frostgrave!

Reading from 'The Tome of the Void', the pair can summon hugely
powerful magics that can temporarily rend flesh and reality.

A side few of the base- designed to be a Magus Conclave war machine
for my KoW Varangur.

One might spy that the Tome of the Void references all manner of
dangerous realities- including a passage on Oblivion Gates.

Arcadius needs no other to form a conclave, only requiring a focusing
object to refine and strengthen his magic. In this case, the Eye of Feldghast.

He does, however, have his trusty Famulous (counts as a lesser demon
or imp in Frostgrave) to add to his power, granting this 'Conclave' Elite.

Finally, the newest champion for the militant side of my Varangur-
Torsmund Harpysson.

Escaping from an Abyssal Dwarf Prison, the young Torsmund was taken
in by the vicious Harpy aeries of northern Mantica. Here he grew tremendously
strong hunting all manner of beasts and monsters...

... not to mention due to the corrupting, mutating whispers of
Korgaan deep below, calling this Cursed Son to leave his solitude
and lend his blade to warhosts worthy of his strength!

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