Tuesday, October 2, 2018

AoS 2.0 : Stormcast v. Beasts of Change

My first real game of Age of Sigmar (let alone 2.0) and as a starting foray into the setting it felt pretty good. Lists are far from optimized, and mistakes were probably made but there are worse sins when starting a brand new game!

In Aqshy, a tower on the edge of civilization sits a lonely watchtower. Built in ages past to watch for the rampaging lava beasts or other horrors, it has long been seen as a necessary evil. A post to 'Burnt Man's Roost', where the heat climbs almost too high for even a mortal native of the realm to stand. Discipline is lax, but when the garrison failed to check in something had to be done. Premonitions of ill called for a full Stormcast invervention.

If only they knew that was exactly as planned....


Open Play - - Diagonal Deployment - - Domination - - Realm of Fire (rolls of 6 to run, 10+ to charge mortal wounds)

Beasts of Chaos List:
Darkwalkers Greatfray

Tzaangor Shaman w/ Desolate Shard
10 Tzaangors with Brayhorn
10 Tzaangors with Icon
6 Skyfires
1 Spawn

Stormcast List:

Unhallowed Knights

Lord Arcanum on Charger
Knight Incanter
Lord Relictor
5 Liberators
5 Sequitors
2 Fulminators

Hallowed Knight Stormcast v. Beast's of Change!
The battlefield, with the tower in the center (perhaps a forlorn remnant of
scenarios past).

On the left you have the Tzaangor force huddled around their tentacled
Herdstone and Spawn pet. 

On the right the Stormcast form battle lines. They win the roll off, and
give the Beasts of Chaos the first turn.

Fulminators waiting on a lightning bolt, with an Emerald Swarm waiting
to be cast.

A band of 10 Tzaangors sneaking around to ambush their Order
serving foes.

The blue line surges forwards even as the shaman slices huge
chunks of wiggling spawn meat to feed to the Herdstone.

For their first game when painted the Skyfires roll (with their re-rolls)
five 6's while firing at the Sequitors. 

Two remain, thanks to the intervention of the Lord Arcanum.

The Stormcast move forwards...

And then roll the double turn! Which they take.

The Lord Arcanum jumps forwards to threaten the Tzaangor lines.

Lightning strikes and the Fulminators arrive to support the Liberators and
threaten the Beast's left flank. 

The Fulminators fail their charge, but the Liberators succeed, where they
succeed in killing one of the elite Tzaangors (one of their own succumbing to
a plume of fire due to a high charge roll). 

Unfortunately, the Fulminators failed their charge and the disks and beaks of
the Skyfires tore the Liberator's apart. The Lord Arcanum's mount tears down
another of the Tzaangors in revenge.

The second Beastman turn has the other mob of
Tzaangors arriving behind the dwindling Stormcast forces.

Skyfires falling away to head to another objective, leaving the Lord
Arcanum to the voracious Tzaangors.

A crazy good beak roll manages to actually finish off the bird-riding
wizard, allowing the magic-starved Tzaangors to feast well.

Winning the turn 3 double turn, and knowing how dangerous the
  Fulminator's can be on the charge, the Tzaangors continue their charge. 

The remaining Sequitor's cut down by Skyfire's allow the ambushing
raiders to hunt down and devour the Knight Incanter in return for one
of their own.

The Tzaangor's take casualties but they manage to pull one of
the knight's from his saddle. 

Using the Emerald Swarm as a way to cover his flanks (and the first thing the spell
managed to accomplish after healing a single wound) the Relictor
charges in- but it's too late. That battle is won for Chaos!

Beasts of Chaos Victory!