ITC Scenario: What's Yours is Mine (Control Both Objectives that you placed at the beginning of the game)
Team 1: Greyknights/Deathwatch 2000 pts (1000 each)
Secondaries- Reaper, Old School, Ground Control
Greyknights-Vanguard Detachment- Castellan Crowe, Warlord
- Purifier Squad, x4 Force Glaives, x1 Psycannon
- Purifier Squad, x5 Force Glaives
- Rhino
- Paladin Ancient, Banner of Refining Flame
Vanguard Detachment
- Grandmaster in Nemesis Dreadknight w/ Heavy Psycannon + Nem. Greatsword
- Purifier Squad, x4 Force Glaives, x1 Psycannon
- Purifier Squad, x5 Force Glaives
- Dreadnought
DeathwatchPatrol Detachment- Watchmaster, Warlord
- Veteran Squad x1 Sgt. w/ Bolter + Power Maul, Vet w/ Bolter + Power Sword, Vet w/ Frag Cannon, x2 Vets Bolter + Stormshield, Vanguard Vet w/ Powerfist + Stormshield
- Veteran Squad x1 Sgt. w/ Bolter + Power Maul, Vet w/ Bolter + Power Sword, Vet w/ Frag Cannon, x2 Vets Bolter + Stormshield
- Hellblaster Squad, x5
Plasma Incinerator
- Hellblaster Squad, x5
Plasma Incinerator
- Venerable Dreadnought w/ Lascannon + Missile Launcher
- Razorback w/ Assault Cannon
Team 2: Deathguard/Space Wolves 2000pts
(As this wasn't my team, I'm less exact about the breakdown of the opposing force)
Secondaries- Kingslayer (Grandmaster in Dreadknight), Big Game Hunter, Recon
Battalion Detachment- Lord of Contagion, Warlord
- Malignant Plaguecaster
- x10 Pox Walkers
- x10 Pox Walkers
- 7 Plague Marines with x2 Flails
- Rhino
- Rhino
- Blight Drone w/ Fleshmower
- x2 Foul Blightspawn
- Noxious Blightbringer
Space WolvesBattalion Detachment
- Wolf Lord w/ Thunderhammer + Stormshield, jump-pack and Armor of Russ, Warlord
- Wolf Guard Battle leader w/ Jump-pack, thunder hammer + storm shield
- Rune Priest w/ jump-pack + Black Death
- x8 Wulfen
- x5 Bloodclaws
- x5 Bloodclaws
- x5 Bloodclaws
- Rhino
Set up. The Deathwatch set up their gun line in the middle. Across the map the Space Wolves cluster in the ruins next to a rhino full of plague marines. The Deathguard spread themselves across the field with the poxwalkers around the right objective and a Blight Drone out front to eat fire. |
Greyknights go heavy to the right of the Deathwatch, with one squad of Deathwatch veterans in deepstrike. |
Hellblasters in the ruins, the Watchmaster doling out rerolls all around- the first turn will see almost the entire Greywatch firepower directed into killing the Blight Drone. |
The Greyknight's plan is at this point to rush the left and take that objective from the pox walkers while putting pressure on the center and protecting the Deathwatch gun line. |
The Space Wolves are hampered early on by some bad run rolls, leaving the Deathguard to get pounded the first two rounds of shooting. |
Note the Noxious Blightbringer in the center, he'll be showing up again. |
Greyknights begin to surge down the right flank... |
Occupying the ruins and gunning down the first squad of pox-walkers. |
In the center the Deathguard Rhino holding two Foul Blightspawn and the Malignant Plaguecaster is destroyed and combined fire and psychic abilities drop most of the inhabitants |
In a huge explosion (brought on by a command point) that Deathguard Rhino kills two Deathwatch Veterans before all but a single Blightspawn remain. |
Turn two sees the teleporting Deathwatch Veteran squad appearing behind Deathguard lines to threaten the pox-walkers and their objective. |
The Space Wolves counter Attack hard, Wulfen and blood claws cutting down the remaining Veterans and Purifiers in the center. |
With overlapping auras and a million attacks the forces of the Inquisition are outmatched in the combat phase, the Space Wolves saving the two Deathguard characters in the center. |
The next turn has the smites from the Purifiers and Hellblaster fire killing the Bloodclaws and the Wulfen. |
The Greyknight Rhino rolls up to add some flanking support as well as killing the few remaining pox walkers. |
The Gunline is exposed! The Lord of Contagion teleports in while the Plague Marines counter pile out of their destroyed Rhino to support him. The desperate Watchmaster charges forwards... |
... and kills three of the Plague Marines before being overwhelmed by their flails. |
The Grey knights form up to withstand the meat of the Space Wolf characters charging them. |
The Lord of Contagion executes a squad of Hellblasters before consolidating into the Dreadnought. |
The Heroes of the Space Wolves rush over to the Greyknight line, smashing another Purifier Squad, killing the brotherhood ancient, and taking six wounds off the Grandmaster! |
The Greyknight Rhino and Deathwatch Veterans (making sure to continue holding the objective) rush forwards to reinforce the main line. |
The next turn is decisive. The Frag Cannon blows apart the Wolf Guard Battle Leader, Smites from the Greyknights kill the Wolf Lord, and the Grandmaster finishes off the Rune Priest in close combat. |
A Squad of Bloodclaws tasked with holding one of the objectives. |
State of the Deathwatch gunline at the end. The Venerable Dreadnought is holding at one wound, with the Watchmaster and one of the squads of Hellblasters dead. |
The other has been mauled, about to flee from combat with some blood claws. |
Despite the gunline's collapse, going on turn 5 the Inquisition's position is very strong, with a lead on points that will only grow from there. |
Sitting alone an exposed on the center objective, the bellringer tolls as the Space Wolf/Deathguard players decide to concede. Victory for the Greywatch! |
It was a great game! Not knowing what exactly we were fighting against when list building led to a surprisingly hard counter to our opponents melee heavy army. The Deathwatch Hellblasters with Watchmaster rerolls were devastatingly effective for the first three or so turns and the purifiers low smite range was compensated for by the fact the enemy wanted to run right at them. Still it was really close with lots of pushes and pulls of luck but in the end our opponents just couldn't quite grab the secondaries as fast as they needed.
Great fun and I can't wait to play again!