Wednesday, November 15, 2017

FG/GA Dwarves!

I've had these Dwarves finished for some time now, I'm just looking for an excuse to actually get them to the table. They were bought and painted with the intention of playing them in Frostgrave, but really there isn't much of a reason why they wouldn't fit into Ghost Archipelago as well. The bases I thought might be a problem, but the way I did ice could be seen as water lapping against ruined stones- why not, right?

Agathal the Runecaster, an Enchanter (or... Storm Warden?)
Apprentice and Wroclaw the Captain (or Heritor).

A pair of Barbarian types.

The 'crossbows'.

Treasure Hunter's~

Thugs, or other generic type lads.

A bard and an eccentric drill Knight. More pudge more damage!

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