Friday, August 5, 2016

This is Not a Test Skirmish: The Lost Scout [Cold Vengeance]

This was quite the mess. Makyat was a veteran of the waste's, but even the most experianced wanderer could fall prey to simple bad luck- and boy was this bad luck. All he wanted to do was make sure the Rangers moved off of Tribal land like they agreed... and he managed to run smack-dab into a raider band. These particular band of crazies were led by a demon-masked man known throughout the hills as 'The Underking'.

Ruling out of some ruined Vault like a feudal warlord. The things they said...

Well, with howling madmen on his trail he couldn't head back to Walks-in-Mist. He would try to lose them, and hopefully the Rangers would take care of the problem. Hopefully.
The Battlefield- Rangers on the left, Raiders on the right, Tribals starting
at the bottom coming out of the suburbs. Makyat, the Scout, finds himself
in no man's land hiding in the white ruined building.

The Keystone Ranger Peacekeeper Warband! 
The Tunkhannock Valley Tribal Warband!

The Dunmore Troop Raider Band!
The Rangers make their way through and old military depot. 

Searching for a lost scout, the Tribals break the cover
of  a nearby town looking for their lost scout. 

The brutal Raiders out looking for prey... but they didn't expect
two well-armed bands. 

Despite Radstag Joe's motivating words, apparently a pall has
 fallen over the band- nearly every tribal fail their first activation.

The Rangers have no such problems and rush up to
take defensive positions along the perimeter.

Tactical Hohenheim sets up to cover the no man's land with
his lmg- effectively covering the Ranger's entire flank. 
Tribals finally make it to the edge of the town, catching site of their scout in 
the center of the battlefield and training weapons on their myriad enemies. 

The Raiders get to the low wall, but unlike their opponents, they
aren't content with cowering behind cover. 

The Mad red-hood run's towards the center, while the Scout
Makyat tries to hide. Worried about an attack, he climbs to the
second floor to get a better vantage point...

Just in time for the fragile peace to break. The raiders begin to fire (ineffectually).
This lead to the Rangers firing.... much more accurately. A rocket launch blows two
Raiders into the dust, while Riza the sniper puts a hole in the Tribal Scout's back.

Along the other flank, the Tribal's engage the raider to great effect.
Big Tom makes it up the hill and knocks down Wendigo, but is taken out
by the spam suit laced within his skin. 

Rains-Fire gains some small measure of revenge by blasting the sniper who killed
their scout with long range missile fire. Its painful, but eventually the score is tallied,
and the Tribal's win a Pyrrhic victory. 

The raider's were driven from the field, battered and bleeding. The Ranger's made a show of 'securing their rear' but eventually pulled out of the area as well. Even so, Radstag Joe and his chosen warriors didn't creep down from the cover of the town until the dead of night. A quick search of the area revealed what they all feared- Makyat's body. He was slumped where he fell, in a pool of blood and shattered bone.

It was a hard thing, to find a friend dead in the dust. Makyat had been there for him from the beginning. He was the one who had found him, half delirious from the summer heat and lack of clean water. The one who had saved his life, was now dead.... and from the look of the wound, he had found his end under the sights of a former friend and protege. Pain ripped into his heart as he remembered watching Riza's unconscious body carried from the field by the Ranger's. Pain followed pain.

And all over some bad luck. What a waste.

1 comment:

  1. Added a full map picture to the beginning to give a little broader context.
