So, I had so much fun building my crew for yesterdays game that I had to pull out some other Sci-Fi models that I found lying around. I kept to a 200xp limit (though some of my math might be slightly off- I misplaced my calculation sheet before writing this up), and I only broke SOME of the rules in the second crew featured below. Predators have to be badass, and they come in threes. Its a rule!
I guess.
I'm going to keep experimenting with crew builds of course. Currently I'm looking at some of the Raging Heroes Sci-Fi ladies and the Reb Starter Pack from mantic for my next Rogue Star Projects. Oh, and terrain. Need more Sci-fi terrain.
Crew of the "Promised Apotheosis":Theme- Cyborgs
Tactical Discipline- Blitzkrieg
Species- Uchani [Blue humanoids who believe that cybernetic enhancement is the path to personal and spiritual perfection.]
Models- Mercs GCC
Tauya ze'Mallon- Bionic Eyes, Light Power Armor, Zap Rifle, Marksman
Adrios ze'Mallon- Bionic Arms (2), Machine Gun, Light Power Armor, Marksman
Ulwe Car'va- Cyber Monoblade, Bionic Arm(1), Submachine Gun, Light Power Armor, Ambidextrous, Weapon Master (2)
Sienwe Al'Polzar- Neuro-Jack Array, Light Power Armor, Plasma Pistol, Medic (2), Cyber Medic, Tech 2
Theme- Star Cops (I needed the access to Intelligence Weapons)
Tactical Discipline- Hard to Kill
Species- Yaut'ja (Predators)
Models- Predators from the AVP Board Game
"Spartan" - Reptiloid, Mesh Armor (Refraction Field), Combi-Spear (Force Spear), Veteran, Fast (1), Weapon Master (2), Monowire-Entangler, Wrist blades (Vibroblade)
"Immortal"- Reptiloid, Stealth suit, Marksman (1), Weapon Master (2), Smart Disk (counts as an Alpha Class Needler and Power Gauntlet), Wrist Blades (vibroblade), Elite, Leadership (1), Night Visor, Fast (1)
"Gargoyle"- Reptiloid, Mesh Armor (Refraction Field), Shoulder mounted Plasma Caster (Plasma Rifle), Wrist Blades (vibroblade),. veteran, Fast (1), Marksman (2), Weapon Master (1), Night Visor
Theme- Freebootas (Pirates)
Tactical Discipline- Brawlers
Species- Orks
Models- GW Orks
Lootahsmug- Tough, Light Combat Dress, Big Shoota (Machine Gun)
Gurgin Bulksmasha- Tough, Light Combat Dress, Slug Pistol, Sword, Jump Pack, Weapon Master 1
Mek Kaptain Shiprippa- Tough 2, Kustom Force Field(Force Shield), Force Flail, Molecular Slugthrower, Tech 2, Weapon Master 1
Rork- Tough, Light Combat Dress, Slug Pistol, Sword
Ghazaka Greenbeard- Tough 2, Light Combat Dress, Submachine Gun, Cyberclaw (Built-in-Power Gauntlet), Weapon Master 1
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