Monday, February 13, 2017

Scary Purple Dindrenzi Firestorm Fleet!

So, if there was one area of miniatures gaming I've always been a bit leery of, it's been space ships- specifically of the 'big' and 'capital' variety. There was something about the scale, I wasn't sure if I'd be able to paint them correctly or if I could find ships the size I'd like. Well, my love of the genre overcame my worry, and I finally pulled the trigger on Firestorm Armada- specifically, the Dindrenzi.

I knew I wanted to play a human faction (half of the fun is putting 'myself' on a Bridge in my minds eye) and something about the brutally simple ship style appealed to me. Another concern was that the other major human faction, the Terran Alliance, relies heavily on shields and my dice aren't good enough to rely on surviving anyway. So I split a Taskforce Starter box, and painted up my first ships!

My whole little fleet, as it stands. I know I should have magnetized them,
but I didn't have any magnets on hand and wanted to get to painting. Maybe
down the road.

This is my Velites Class Cruiser 'DFS Hercules Mulligan', along
with three Pugio Frigates- The DFS's 'Bishop, Ripley, and Newt'

On many of the ships I've placed a yellow sunburst pattern, symbolizing
....something, something with Dramos and rebirth. I'm considering between
keeping muted or making bright. The Pugio Frigates have little strips of
yellow to represent warpaint or 'eyes'.

My Decurion class Escort Carrier 'DFS Lafayette' with the DFS 'Frost, Vasquez, and Hicks'

Finally, my little bomber and interceptor wings assigned to the Lafayette as
Chasseurs Squadron.
Its not really enough for a full Firestorm Armada game as of yet, but its a start. I'm looking at a Dindrenzi Patrol Fleet to bring them up to strength, followed perhaps by some Rense System Navy allies- the best of the best in the whole Federation. Until then, I'll make due with what I have!

And try to figure out the best way to keep the big boys from shifting on their stands. If anyone has any suggestions for list building Dindrenzi (I expect Sorylian Lizards and Terran Alliance in my future) let me know!

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