Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Strike on Kar'A Nine and Algoryn Crew

Under the badgering of friends and family just aching to get Gates of Antares on the table, I've finally gotten around to painting up the Strike on Kar'A Nine Algoryn starter forces. I was really impressed with the set from Warlord, especially for the price, and the plastic lads look really striking on the table. With their striking white armor, I've decided that my troops are an Alpine Assault Force- experts in mountain warfare and rough terrain.

With the miniatures came a set of five starter scenarios, designed to slowly teach the rules of the game over a small campaign. I figured instead of just dumping a picture of the force, I'd break them up by scenario as a visual representation of the forces you'll need per mission.

Scenario 1 Escape and Evade: x2 AI squads with two troopers with Mag Guns.

Scenario 2 Weakness: x2 AI squads each with a Squad Leader w/ Mag Repeater,
three AI troopers w/ Mag Guns, and a spotter drone.

Scenario 3 Surgical Strike: x1 AI Squad with a Squad Leader w/ Repeater + 3
Mag Gun + spotter drone, x1 AI Squad with a Squad Leader w/ Mag gun + 3 Troopers
with Mag Gun + spotter drone, x1 AI Squad with Squad Leader w/ pistol +3 Mag
Guns + a spotter drone.

Scenario 4 Drone Recovery: x1 AI Squad with a SL w/ Mag Repeater + 4 Mag
Guns and a Spotter Drone, x1 AI Squad with A SL w/ Mag Gun + 4 Mag
Guns + Spotter Drone

Just a closer look.

Scenario 5 Let Battle Begin: x1 AI Squad with a SL w/ Pistol and X-sling and Leader + 2
Mag Guns + 2 Micro-X launchers (overload ammo) + spotter drone, x1 AI Squad with SL w/
Mag Repeater and X-sling + 4 Mag Guns + Spotter Drones, x1 AI Squad with SL w/ Mag Gun
and X-sling + Spotter Drone + 3 Mag Guns + 1 Micro-X launcher .

Two destroyed Ghar heads- apparently the battle over the
purple space rock has been a bloody one.

Crew of the 'Zyran Shade'
Left to right: Drones, Rao, Commander Argos, Kal, and Ikios

Theme- Bounty Hunters
Tactical Discipline- Retain The Initiative
Species-  Algoryn

Commander Argo Ul'nar  -
Light Power Armor [25], Plasma Rifle [12], Powered Gauntlet [5] Leader (1) [6], Veteran [6]
Specialist Vyrce Rao-
Light Power Armor [25], Machine Gun [10], Marksman [6]
Trooper Kal Wy'lo-
Light Power Armor [25], Molecular Slugthrower [7], Tech (1) [4]
Trooper Ikios Yos'jal-
Light Power Armor [25], Molecular Slugthrower [7] , Free Disengage [3]
Drone XV-88-
Molecular Slugthrower [9], Medic (1) [3], artificial [10], non-reactive [-6], Diminutive [1]
Drone XV-44-
Molecular Slugthrower [9], Medic (1) [3]. artificial [10], non-reactive [-6] Diminutive [1]

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