Friday, June 10, 2016

More Ruined Men, Mutants, and some Brotherhood of Steel!

More wasteland fellows, commissioned for my good friend.

Significantly better equipped and trained, these Ruined Men Special Forces
are ready and willing to undertake dangerous missions in the Wasteland.

Special forces need to be ready to spend long periods of time out in the
wastes, far from resupply. As such, they learn to carry and scavenge everything
they might need.

Ghouls! Irradiated Rad Zombies! Whatever you call them...
A pair of Super Mutant Raiders from Bones.

A third Reaper Mutant, with the Brother Vinni Super Mutants for Scale.

... And finally some Brotherhood, ready to fill out a Preserver Warband.

Three of the models are old classic GW Imperial Guard Tank Crew, with a
Brother Vinni Tech Wizard for good measure.

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