Monday, May 30, 2016

This is Not a Test and a Monster!

My Reaper Bones Intellect Devourer.
This is a really useful critter. I painted it up for Frostgrave (either as
the weirdest apprentice ever, or a monster). But it works great for weird
Post Apocalypse or Sci-Fi as well.
The classic 'brain on legs' look wasn't quite interesting to me, so I went with
an aquatic 'Brain Coral' look instead. A hard shell rather than weak flesh.

A Sawbones for This is Not a test, using an old Tanith GW medic.
Colorwise, I wanted him to be able to fit in with many different
warbands to underline his 'mercenary' status in game.
Right now he may very well be destined for his commissioners starting
Caravan Warband, but could work just as well with his peacekeepers.
A Tanith Plasma-Gunner, I wanted to give his gun the white 'plastic' casing
so often found in the Fallout games.
The Cloaks are used as unifier, as the Caravanners would (in my opinion)
probably lack a unified overall uniform.
A Brother Vinni 'Robo-Brain' esque model. I painted him up in green's, gold's,
and yellow's to really hint at a potential 'military' connection to his chassis.

I'm really happy with the little computer screen on his back. This cyborg
is destined to be a Boss Villain in a Fallout RPG.

A Tanith Musician ready to bring some music to the wasteland.
Gun slung over the shoulder, he won't be needing THAT at the ready...
I admit I need to find a good brown to do some better highlighting on
the flesh to keep it looking natural.

Dynamic Tanith, a Caravan Guard with blue gun and pauldrons- which in keeping
with my theme, would let him fit in with my Commissioner's Preservers if he
wanted a scout or freelancer of some sort.

I love the pose on this guy. Great work from the sculptor's back in the day.

Tanith Sniper. Gun cloth is grey to indicate urban or rocky Camouflage.

I gave him a bionic, cybernetic eye. If anyone would have it, its the
sniper, right?

Ooh, look at that, he blends in. Spooky!

And... finally the whole crew of wastelanders together.

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