Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Scum v. Empire 100pts

Scum and Villainy Fleet- Revenge of the two big ships. Punishing One
and the Hounds Tooth have a bounty in their sights.

Punishing One loadout for maximum tankiness with Tel Tevura
piloting with some extra shield gain thanks to Gonk.

And Hound's tooth. Apparently Dengar didn't make it to his own
ship in time before the Imperial ships started coming in.

The Imperial Forces- some fairly bare bones tie's with Vader in a Shuttle.

Its the Fuzz! No Sith is gonna take us in.

After a few turns of flying, the first Tie finds itself right in
Tel's deadly sights.

No shields. C'mon Empire, catch up with the rest of the galaxy.

Whoops! Flew right into a head to head fight with half the Imperial Forces!

Another Tie enters the embrace of the Universe, and Tel takes a bit of
a beating, losing the last of his Shields in the Process.

However after some careful maneuvering on Tel's part, he manages
to hop over and escape the trap.

Due to time and turn restrictions, this is what the last turn of the game looks like.
With the Shuttle almost destroyed, Vader calls off the attack. Victory for the Scum!


  1. A good fight! Where did you get the mat? Looks interesting.


    1. The mat is a bolt of space/star cloth from a local fabric store.
