Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Seafall: A Tale of Three Provinces Game 2

I'm going to be documenting our Seafall Legacy campaign! As a warning, I won't even remotely try to hide spoilers- this is for those who either don't care about spoilers or have already played through their own game. You have been WARNED!


My brother started this game with the first of the permanent 'enmity' on
the  board, leaving this paticular island a tougher nut to crack.

With most of the milestone's taken in the last game, this was a more
structured economy game- especially with the price of goods lowered
by an early event!

I was lucky enough to get the jump on my adversaries and snag the final milestone
currently available, raiding the linen port on Gaeta Island.

Oooh, we get to open a new box. What's inside? More events! Including a
dastardly Pirate King.

With my first island 'angry' at me (something that I'd deal with at games end)
I was really racking up the points by this time.

Sagun, the island closest to the provinces, was finally fully explored in
this game.

I didn't have 'fire' tokens available, but Holystone was put to the torch
when the Pirates attcked, looting my vault and slowing me down.

Not by enough though, as the milestone put me far ahead of the pack, allowing
me to nudge over the finish line just as the other provinces was getting ready to
rapidly expand.

At the end, though, the final milestone changed things. Our old title cards were
ripped up, and a whole host of new things became available. New cards, upgrades,
and advisors for the next game!

However, the biggest change came with the new titles. Now, driven by (story-enforced) jealousy of my prestige, the lowest ranked title holder would now recieve an emnity from me in the next game, making it harder for me to retaliate if and when they targeted my ships and holdings.

War had finally arrived.

But it wasn't all grim, as with the new cards came new rules and milestones- next game we would finally be able to rush out and explore the wide Ocean! Huzzah!

Current Campaign Score:

Aegea [
Brother]: 17 pts
Ilnea [Dad]: 18pts
Baccanos [Me]: 21pts

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