Thursday, March 23, 2017

Zombie Attack- Get to the Chopper Mrs. President!

My second Cold Wars game worth noting, has the (alternate universe) President of the United States Hillary Clinton attempting to make her way with her staff from the second White House to a waiting helicopter. Local militia groups and law enforcement hold the barricades with the (probably fruitless) promise that the next wave of helicopters are right around the corner to evacuate them and any other civilians in the 'safe' zone. Can they hold?

Over on the extreme left, over eight hundred zombies (each one an individual miniature,
with no duplicates) all clamored to get over the barricades and taste the flesh of the
town's defenders.

State and local police join forces with a local biker gang and the
Dukes of Hazzard to hold the line against the horde.

Now, over on the left a smaller horde is split between the blocked Presidential
Convoy and the straw bale barricades.

On the one side, Jim Bob's Redneck Rangers prepare to
exercise their second amendment rights...

... while on the other the Liberal ladies pick up some hated deadly
weaponry in order to clear the way for the First Woman President.

The game used a really simple system, using Popsicle sticks
for all movement and determining ranges.

The Presidential convoy, stopped in its tracks. In the front we have a Secret
Service team, protecting the Presidential detail in the middle with the
Vice-Presidential Detail next with Seal Team Six bringing up the rear.

In this alternate universe, due to the losses in Washington DC, Joe
Biden has once again assumed the mantle of Vice-President. Unbeknownst
to anyone else, one of his detail is actually a CDC scientist with a
potential cure!

Oh no! Intelligence reports that the route to Genericsburg was free have
been proven very incorrect. With the helicopter so close, the President
and her retinue will have to make a run for it!

On the right side of the car you have Madam President Clinton and
her secret service agents assigned directly to her person.

If you look closely at the left side of the car, you might see Bill
Clinton with his pink-dress clad favorite 'intern'. Yeah, its a pretty
tongue and cheek sort of game.

As the rest of the Presidential detail moves forwards in a tight group,
VP Joe Biden sprints out ahead of the pack. Real leaders lead in
times of crisis- zombies be damned.

Of course the rest of his detail weren't quite so fast, the secret service agents
sticking as close to the CDC scientist as possible.

Seal Team Six started mowing down an astounding number of zombies,
but one of their number was surrounded, taking more than one injuries
before the creatures were put down.

With the zombies attracted to the larger group of people, Sneaky
Joe Biden continues his one man rush forwards. Scott free for
now, just how long will he manage to avoid becoming zombie chow?

Still, one of Joe's Secret Service agents are hot on his trail ,with the CDC
Scientist in tow. Let the other detail's get eaten, keep your eye on the ball!

Seal Team Six continues to cut down zombies in the backfield, even while
Joe's other two secret service agents are trapped on the SUV.

While moving forwards, suddenly (due to a card played by another player)
an ambulance suddenly bursts open with a mini group of EIGHT zombies!

With a huge horde in front, and now a troupe of ambulance zombies,
the CDC scientist starts up an old police car and (after Joe Biden and
Secret Service agent jump) drives right through the horde... and through
the barricades.

Joe, with his blinding charisma, manages to rally both rednecks and liberal
ladies from outside the car door- even killing a zombie that pops up
in the back seat with his bare hands.

Slow and steady win the race? The President and her detail certainly hope so.

Almost there...!

The zombies have broken through on the other side, cops and militia
pulling back as the wave of flesh comes forwards.

With zombies swarming and strange anarchists jumping out of barns
President Clinton and her husband are slowing down dangerously...

All the while, Joe Biden has made it to the helicopter! But the damn pilot
doesn't want to leave without waiting for the President.

Surrounded by zombies on all sides, Jim Bob drops his stash of moonshine at
his feet, taking himself and most of the zombies out in a huge explosion to let
his rangers and the liberal ladies to fall back to the helicopter.

The blur is a motion blur- with the President surrounded by the dead
and the copter full of survivors, the pilot finally decides to leave- just as
the town below is utterly overrun. Joe Biden finally gets to be President.

The three factions who managed to get into the helicopter and get away in
some way, shape or form. Between zombie kills, getting the CDC scientist
off with his cure, and getting off the board (WITHOUT the President on
the helicopter) I managed to win the scenario! Woo~

Monday, March 20, 2017

Wrath at Fafnir Alpha- 7TV Skimish Game

Probably my favorite game of Cold Wars 2017, and definately the one I was most worried about not playing out in a way that I would enjoy. For those of you not aware, the '7TV' system, its designed for small skirmish style wargaming in a 60's - 70's tv show setting. Spies, cheesy sci-fi, and crazy event cards including things like commercial breaks and damaged props... well, I just wasn't sure how it was going to play. In short though, it was a blast!

The Fafnir Alpha Oil Rig, out in the middle
of the North Sea.

Things are going poorly on Fafnir! The workers have gone on strike,
and have acquired an array of high tech weapons and gear. Corporate
troubleshooters have arrived to put the riot down.

Waiting in the wings, the corporate heavy Lionel ready to bring the
boot down on the rebels, with his loyal ('broken') helicopter pilot on

Fuzzy visual from the far building shows the pair of ISIS spies (allegedly
Sterling Archer and Lana Kane) on the search for some highly sensitive
intelligence hidden somewhere on Fafnir.

My character, the dastardly man of a million faces, the super spy and
brilliant industrial saboteur 'The Rook' convened with his minions. The
Riot should keep everyone occupied. Get the data- and get off the platform.

Of course nothing is that simple. Unattended by striking employees, an
industrial experiment in super nutrient rich algae broke loose becoming
the horrific Vegimate... and it hungers for delicious protein!

My roster. The Rook and his minions fomented the strike, arming the workers
in the hopes that they'd cause enough damage to hide his true purpose on the rig.
The poor fools thought that he was actually doing it to help THEM!

Orange jumpsuited striking workers, augmented by assault weapons and
robots surge towards the landing pad to engage the hated troubleshooters.

The Rook, in his guise as a Rig Administrator, jumped down to grab a piece
of intel from under his pawn's noses, keeping one spy close while the other
runs off to the center tower to hunt down more pieces of intel.

Slow and ponderous, the Vegimate pulled itself back and forth- almost
protecting one of the pieces of intelligence. Why? Who could know?

With the beast distracted for a moment, one of the spies climbs the tower
heading for a forlorn piece of intel, hoping that the rival forces below
would be too distracted to turn their attentions on him.

Still in his guise as an administrator, the Rook hunkers down in cover
behind a pair of pawns, hoping that those suspiciously red barrels don't
happen to be full of flammable materials.

Sterling and Lana watch as a pair of company scientists slip onto the helicopter
with every intention on escaping. Lana opens fire on them, and kills the

Attracted by the gunfire, the Vegimate watches as the two scientists are forced
to bail out as the helicopter starts to list along the side of the rig, corporate
troubleshooters firing back at the spies.

The Rook's second spy takes position at the Vegimate's corner, eyes peeled on that
elusive piece of intel just sitting- open for anyone brave enough.

The second spy watches from above, starting his climb down even as the
Vegimate decides that going over boxes towards gunfire would take much
longer than chomping on some (practically) unarmed minions.

Some success! The scientists get out of the helicopter, the heli-pad coming
under heavy fire from the ISIS agents and the (comically inaccurate) rig

Climbing down and- oh no! This thing apparently can extend it pseudopods
up farther than anyone could guess. Our good spy is totally trapped!

Looking across the firefight, the Rook watches as the helicopter makes its
way along the rig. An idea formed...

... and suddenly he was sprinting through the combat, dropping his
administrator disguise as he did so.
Looking at the foreman of the rig-workers, the devious Rook delivers a
damning one-liner "Rook takes Knight" before leaving the man and his
workers to their fate.

Getting to edge of the platform the Rook leaped...

... before successfully landing in the pilot's seat!

The Rook, dastardly villain and super spy he was, wasn't a pilot. The helicopter
plunged towards the ocean and he had to try to save it. With two available
re-rolls he failed the first two attempts...

Before finally the Rook's luck held out, keeping the helicopter from plunging into
the water and certain death. Securing his escape, the Rook escaped the rushing
freezing North Sea and the growing monster on the oil rig- thus winning the game!
And thus the 'episode' came to end. How will Archer and Lana escape the rig?
Will the Vegimate die on the rig, or run free in the ocean below? Where will the
Rook strike next? Next time on 7TV!