Saturday, March 4, 2017

Firestorm Armada 'BSG' Civilian Fleet Objectives

A long time ago we played a lot of the Battlestar Galactica boardgame. One day, while at a local convention, we found a bunch of civilian ships that we thought would make fun additions to the game- but sadly interest ebbed and the project got lost on the desk. That is, until I started painting my Firestorm Armada ships. Suddenly, they had a bit of a purpose. They could be scatter 'terrain' , or objectives.

These are the results:

The whole 'civilian' fleet with the Battlestar Galactica a Dindrenzi Cruiser
and SRS for scale.

My neutral objectives, in the form of four civilian transports, each
designed to carry the moderately wealthy from one system to the next.

Each ship has a identifying letter for when 'numbered' objectives
might become important.

Here we have the two faction specific objectives- the Dindrenzi Refinery
ship and the Terran Re-fitted Medical Ship.

A close up on the refinery ship, designed to keep close to the Dindrenzi
lines and act as a secondary fuel source for a deep-ranging attack fleet.

I painted it up to match my dusty purple fleet- it was my favorite
ship of the bunch to paint.

All of the objectives. They'll look good enough on the table, but I honestly
don't super recommend the models themselves. They have a ton of imperfections
sadly enough- but still, cute additions to my Firestorm arsenal.

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