Sunday, March 19, 2017

Cold Wars 2017

Its that time of year again! This year I played a lot of fun, story driven (on the very cusp of role-playing) miniature games- and not one of them had anything to do with Poland! I played in a modified Science v. Pluck game as a duplicitous Roman Auxilia Commander, an excellent 'Zombie Apocalypse' game, my first wacky scenario using the 7TV rules, and participated in a Roman Civil War against Julius Caesar himself.

I'll get to each of these games in their own updates, but for now have a handful of pictures from a variety of good looking boards that I saw around the convention. Stay tuned for more! 

Pegasus Bridge, getting ready for a fight~

The Battle of Kaladesh

My brother got more than a bit of a drubbing in this one.

Battle at the very base of Barad Dur. I didn't get a close look, but
I had the impression it was the Battle of the Last Alliance.

Some ships by Firelock Games, painted up and weathered for Frostgrave.

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