All of the painting of Wastelanders and Mutants has finally stirred me to actually sit down and write out a warband for 'This is not a Test". Agreeing with some local players for a starting net worth of 420 barter script, I set about building a nice themed list.
Building off of my idea for a 'religious Red Cross', these guys are going to be on the front line. Between patrolling the very edges of Order territory and venturing out into the wastes for salvage these Purifiers are concerned with keeping as many unknown pathogens out of their systems as possible- hence the biohazard gear.
Using the 'Peacekeeper' Warband, I've opted to take a Hanging Judge rather than a Road Marshal. I figure he has a reputation of treating hostiles and intruders very harshly indeed. You have to be a cold son of a bitch to sanction the use fire and gas to contain any potential breach of quarantine. The rest fell into place- the man is scary, has a reputation for his aim, and can get his fellow soldiers motivated through respect as well as fear.
All in all the biohazard suits and gas masks were probably not the most efficient use of barter script, but I wanted them to be equipped like they look. That's part of the fun!
Purifier Exploratory Patrol "Pyre One"
Commander Vincent Pyre- Gear: Assault Rifle, Stealth Suit, Gas Mask, Sleep Grenade
Skills: Fearsome Reputation, Motivator, Marksman
Warden Daniel Ward-
Gear:Shotgun, Biohazard Suit, Tear Gas Grenade
Skills: Bold
Quartermaster Molly Heart- Gear: Sniper Rifle, Mesh Armor, Gas Mask
Skills: Gunsmith, Resourceful
Specialist Andre Pierce- Gear: Flamethrower, Mesh Armor, Gas Mask
Skills: Brave and Up-Armed
Officer Catherine Baldwin- Gear: Assault Rifle, Biohazard Suit
Skills: None
Officer Freddy Booker- Gear: Assault Rifle, Biohazard Suit
Skills: None
Remaining Barter Script: 6 bs
In Order- Booker, Baldwin, Ward, Pyre, Heart, and Pierce |
Once again using my favorite piece of terrain, but they need to be careful about posing so close to a bunch of Super Mutants! |