Saturday, May 7, 2016

Wasteland Survival Guide: Louisiana Edition

The Ruined Men: The Bayou's Boogiemen

Next in our litany of monsters and raider groups come perhaps one of the greatest mysteries the great swamp has to offer. There are stories of killers with bodies of men, sporting bare skulls instead of faces who sweep down from the North East, bringing terror to Baton Rouge and the surrounding area. Some think these 'Ruined Men' are the atomic shadows of men who found themselves vaporized by the bombs. Some believe they happen to be a particularly organized group of bloody raiders. Others still think them to potentially be some offshoot of the Enclave or Brotherhood of Steel.

Personally, digging through the old Vaul-Tec regional database, I have a different theory. These 'shadows' are Vault-Dwellers. What they want or why they seem to appear and disappear... well, I can't even guess. All I can do is offer one warning.

Stay clear of Vault 99. Seriously.

The leaders of the Ruined Men expedition patrols. Wonderful sculpts
from Worlds End Publishing.
The Ruined men in slightly better definition.

Hard to see, but that can on the sandbags? Greasy's Pork and Beans.

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