Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Early This is Not a Test Terrain - WIP

Some early work on some future Post apocalyptic terrain:

The top of a large tic-tac bottle. Used some spare GW bits to hide the
labels and words. I'm thinking it could be a burner of some sort.

The clear bottom of the same bottle. A simple hatch on top makes
it some sort of silo or container.

I'm thinking about using these for a piece of 'farm' terrain. I just
need to head to a local craft store and fine some workable plants.

Primed they look pretty good! Ready for painting.

For a different piece of terrain I use some more GW bits and some
corrugated cardboard to build a little shack.

Its pretty rough so far, but that's the great thing about Post Apocalyptic Terrain-
everything's pretty ugly after the bombs drop right?

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