Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Finished Post-Apocalyptic Commissions

The full set of raiders and wastelanders that have been commissioned for
a Fallout Homebrew RPGs and The 'This is Not a Test' skirmish game. Pictures
by the commissioner.

Some escaped convicts from a Vault-Prison, ready to mess things up.

A scarred Raider Veteran (with laser pistol) and a Raider Gladiator,
perhaps a runaway from Caesar's Legion?

'Dr. Doom' and his green clad cult, ready to bring war and death in the
name of Dunwich!

As these guys are being used as NPC baddies in an RPG, Sean (the commissioner)
and I have decided to color code the bases. Red for raider, beige for wastelander.

These raiders are mostly from the 40k Dark Vengeance cultist set.

Very happy with the eyes on the scary hooded man.

Now moving onto the blue and grey robed lads. Since the plastics came in two
nearly identical squads, it was interesting to try to make each of them distinct.

I didn't want to make them TOO uniform, but close enough that they could be
individuals or factions depending on the DM's need.

I couldn't remove all of the Chaos symbols, but eh- not a lot of harm

'Dr. Doom's' rival and leader of the Blue faction here. I particularly like
the look of the black apron against the yellow flamer.

Leader of the wastelanders in the center, these guys really are a bunch of
misfits in terms of rag-tag gear and clothing.

I did add in a reference here and there. The guy on the far right? An homage to
Kenny from the Walking Dead Telltale video game.

Besides being generic wastelanders, these guys and gals are destined for one day
making up a Caraveener Warband!


  1. That is quite a collection of miniatures! Love all the older miniatures that just fit so well in a post apocalyptic environment. Great stuff!

  2. Especially like seeing the Comfy Chair Games Spinespur miniatures, tho they are with a different company now (sad that Spinespur is no more...) I don't know if they fit as a warband of their own, but they def work as NPC enemies and general cannon fodder.
