Sunday, January 29, 2017

Algoryn Stormtroopers!

So, finally after long anticipation, the Algoryn AI plastic infantry have come out! With that, I've decided to finally stop procrastinating and start collecting and painting. The first thing I did was paint up a couple bases, turning simple corkboard into the ever important PURPLE SPACE ROCK. Then... I had to decide a color scheme. I admit, that when I started I didn't really expect to go for something so bright. What I had anticipated to look more light grey, started to look suspiciously like white. Ah well, I'm fairly happy with the way they've turned out so far!

My first seven Algoryn done- enough to run a squad. I'm still working with
different red paints to breath a little more life into the exposed skin.

Beyond the obvious Tau Burst Cannon conversion, I've also added some pouches
here and there pillaged from a Warlord Brit's box set. I like to think of these guys
as going on long patrols, and so they have some 'non-standard' equipment.

So, as I paint, I'm starting to formulate some 'fluff' for my guys here. I have a few ideas:

A) Algoryn Marines, White Armor meant to be an appropriate color for the inside of a starship, often sent as 'away teams' or strike forces to support ground troops.
B) An Elite Regiment who refuse to hide behind camouflage
C) An Alpine Regiment who didn't have time to change their uniforms to suit their new warzone.
D) A 'Distraction' Regiment who actively draw Ghar forces into ambushes by more traditionally cameo-ed forces.

I'm also deciding between Militia, Star Cops, and Mercenaries for bringing these guys to Rogue Stars. Lots of choices!

Leave me a comment, and tell me what you think!

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