Saturday, January 7, 2017

Seafall: A Tale of Three Provinces Game 1

I'm going to be documenting our Seafall Legacy campaign! As a warning, I won't even remotely try to hide spoilers- this is for those who either don't care about spoilers or have already played through their own game. You have been WARNED!


Now that our original characters heirs are 'ready' to go out and into the open seas, we can begin our campaign for 'real'. Emnity now matters, events can really stick, and to the winner goes the spoils! I admit, as the first game, there wasn't an amazing amount to show. I'll endeavor to take more 'action' shots in the future, but this game went very similar to the first. Some sailing, some trading, some raiding, and a good deal of exploring!

Average start in our 'Game One'- the first one that 'actually counts' after the

The first thing we did in this game was choosing the appellations appropriate
to our factions. Knowing that Adelina's primary focus is finding what happened
to her missing brother, I chose 'Mariner' to show that she positively lavishes
her ships with attention so they can be the best they can be.

Dad's faction leader is meant to be a bit of a youthful firebrand, so adventurous
was a perfect fit. Ready to head out and into the unknown... as soon as that option
avails itself to us.

Finally, following the 'German' feel that we've been giving my brother's faction, 
he chose efficient. Certainly fitting for a nation with a big tower as a banner.

Seeing this guy, I couldn't help but give him a name from a DnD campaign
I co-ran- Moanoa, He-who-breaks-the-sky. The early sail boost we found very

With his sights set on being the cold, native stomping raider, my brother
picked up this guy. We like to think the good Baron is an exile from one
of the provinces 'not appearing in this version of Seafall'. I like to think
his first name is 'Gilles'.

This was the big make or break moment for me in the first game. With the Woodsman
advisor and a supporting ship, I was going to explore a '6' level location and
earn a milestone... but instead I completely whiffed, sinking 'The Summer's Song'.
I lost several turns, an upgrade, and a glory point instead of earning the '4' points I
needed to win.

Spending the last of my money, I DID manage to claim the Finest Treasures
milestone, gaining me a really glorious Treasure Room for future games.

Two more advisors. The alchemist is my favorite of the two (name
wise) but how could I not respect him? His alchemy has been passed
down his family for generations after all.

The efficient leader showed that he was as good as his appellation by scoring
the first to have three buildings. In the future, his cities will be even more
glorious than before.

Finally, Dad and his Green faction managed to take the milestone I had failed
at and (with the help of the good Captain) succeeded- winning him the game.

The advisors changed by the end of the first game! Dad added 'explore +1) to the
Advance Scout, my brother made the Retired Soldier a taxing machine, and I gave
Moanoa a little bump to explore for when the speed bump is used. The Captain,
who saw some spooky stuff while working for Dad, will only work for him at a
After MUCH deliberation, I added an extra explore pip to my little Summer's Song.
That's it! The first game being essentially Prologue II: Electric Boogaloo meant that it was fairly quick and simple. It was fun enough, though its always soul crushing to watching six dice tumble and come up zip- but such is the price one pays for randomness. We were happy that all three factions scored fairly close to one another (with one milestone for each this game), but can see that getting out of control if one player has a bad game or two.

We'll have to see if the game adjudicates that as time goes on. Until then, we'll have to go play game two! Till then!

Current Campaign Score:

Aegea [
Brother]: 9 pts
Ilnea [Dad]: 11pts
Baccanos [Me]: 9pts

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