Monday, January 9, 2017

X-wing: Scum v. Imperials

Another round of X-wing! Both of us were trying to get out of our comfort zones, and try some new types of lists.

Imperials: The Imperial wanted a list that was beefy for once, going for shields and trying out some missiles rather than his usual tie spam. This list actually was one point over our 100, but since it was a casual game that was fine.

Tie Defender- Onyx Squadron Pilot, Concussion Missile
Tie Punisher- 'Redline', Fire Control System, Proton Torpedo, Concussion Missile, Munitions Failsafe
Lamba Shuttle- Omicron Group Pilot, Ion Cannon, Intelligence Agent, Anti-Pursuit Lasers

Scum and Villainy: For my part, I wanted to stay away from my big ships for once. I love my Jump Master, but this game is all about expanding your horizons! I tried to build in some potential synergies for Kaatos's focus/evade token sharing abilities and the like.

Star Viper- Guri, Plasma Torpedoes, Crack Shot
Y-wing- Drea Renthal, Ion Cannon Turret, R4-B11, BTL-A4
Z-95- Kaatos Leeachos
M3A Intercepter- Laetin A'shera, Stealth Device

The Imperial list.

The Scum list.

We tried out playing on the floor~

After some maneuvering, the first major thing that happened was Guri
firing her plasma torpedo's. Expending her target lock and having no focus
she missed. Bummer!

Some maneuvering! The Lamba lands on an asteroid, Guri bumps into him,
Drea stops a half inch away from his front with the M3A coming up the flank.
On the left, the Z-95 fences with the Defender, stealing the M3A's evasion token-
keeping him unharmed. The Y-wing is less lucky, having her shield's stripped by
a proton torpedo hit from the Punisher.

With the Lamba suffering from an Ion token from last turn, most of
the Scum perform maneuvers to come up behind the shuttle.

It takes three out of four ships firing, but they manage to take it down.

As bad as that last turn was for the Empire, the Punisher has an excellent
next turn, gliding into the Scum's blind spot, and dropping Guri to one
hull point with a concussion missile.

Flying all around, the Defender fires at the M3A who takes a hit
despite the stealth device, taking off a shield while the Scum fire
at the Punisher.

It should be noted that the Defender, a brand new piece, actually had its
plastic peg detach from its undercarriage, leaving it broken for the rest
of the game.

The Ywing hits the Punisher with her Ion turrent, forcing the the Imperial to stutter
forwards on the next turn instead of taking real evasive action.

Guri catches him, and rolls out of control. Redline goes down.

Looking at the board, the Imperial player decides to call it here. Discussing afterwards,
we assume that he'd be able to take down the Star Viper easily, as well as maybe one
other ship (probably the M3A), but agreed that it was probably a done deal.
Final Thoughts:
The Imperial player came away really liking the Defender, even if we were both disappointed with the glue apparently coming undone under only minimum gameplay. Conversely, he's going to take some convincing to take the Lamba again. On my end, my Y-wing feels very nasty when she has the opportunity to line up a shot, but loosing her turret's mobility is fairly painful.

I'd probably try a different list down the line, but it was fun to shake things up a bit. If anyone has any suggestions for fun lists, or favorite ships, feel free to leave a comment and let me know!

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