Saturday, August 12, 2017

40k: Fresh Blood for Konor!

With the global 40k campaign live, I find it fairly hard to get to my preferred local game store to fight the good fight- but luckily I can still contribute by painting! Despite my history as an Imperial Guard player, I've started this edition (collecting wise) by finally expanding my armies to include Space Marines- specifically the best of the best! Deathwatch marines from a bunch of chapters (including a Soul Drinker, a Black Dragon, and a Shadow Wolf) are in the process of being painted, and I'm finally getting to finishing my Primaris Marines from the starter set!

I still have some purchases ahead of me, notably Deathwatch Terminators and perhaps a Rhino/Razorback, but I've been having fun building and painting my new toys! Comments, suggestions for Deathwatch/painting, and concerns? Feel free to tell me below!

Pictures are courtesy of Chris Ormando, from his excellent 'Tactical Advantage' store in Kingston PA. I am also open to commissions- if anyone is interested, feel free to leave a comment!
My Deathwatch Corvus Blackstar, "The Shadowed Star"  joins the fight
for the Imperium.

The base is modeled as a blasted cityscape, clearly overrun by
Tyranids- perhaps a splinter of Hive Fleet Dagon?

My venerable Dreadnought, Brother Astravian.

Another model keeping to the 'infested cityscape' theme. 

Brother Astravian as been with the Deathwatch for a very long time, and has
outlived his original home chapter. His title, 'The Last Knight', is thought by some to be
a hint to his origins.

Striding over some strange organic nodule towards the enemy.

This is Inquisitor Danica Isgaard, an Ordo Xenos Inquisitor in power
armor (a potential proxy for a Deathwatch Librarian) with force axe and
inferno pistol accompanied by the Techpriest Enginseer Argos.

A squad of Primaris Interceptors serving the newly founded 'Lightbringers' chapter. 

A Primaris Captain with his lieutenants. Note that these marines walk over
the carnage of their Chaos counterparts, rather than some Xenos enemy. 

Squad of Hellblasters, with their very excellent plasma guns brought to bear.

The same squad from behind. Their right shoulder pads are bare as I
continue to dither on what their chapter symbol should be!

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