Tuesday, October 18, 2016

A Groomsman Gift and a Revamped Old-Timer

This is my Red Dragon (or Wyvern, but who's counting), all
nice and painted up to take on all comers!

Standing on a rocky outcropping covered in spoils and remnants of
fallen foes, this beastie looks ready to fight for every last gold coin.

The weapons and scatter are mostly GW, so the scale is slightly off-
who knows what sort of Giants this Dragon has been fighting.

He was a Groomsman's gift from my good friend Ray and I'm
sure he'll see play- whether in KoW, DnD, or Frostgrave!

Now this beastie is an old Crocodile Games Titan Slave. I gave him
an updated paint job, and hope to find some use for him.

Frostgrave and Broken Legions are two possibilities- I've also been
thinking about the possibility of finding a few more to field them as
Cave Trolls for my KoW Varangur!

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