Wednesday, October 12, 2016

A Wedding

So, this past weekend I was proud to be included in the wedding of one of my best friends. As a Groomsman I was able to be there and support my boy Ray on his big day! So... what did we do? Well we played games of course! We were out in the woods at Goose Pond Boy Scout Camp so we couldn't lay down some of the bigger games Ray likes such as Eclipse but between the Best man and myself we rangled up some smaller games worthy of a good send off!

Dining Hall all ready for the big day.

Bear! The ring-dog.

Starting the night of before in the Handi-craft lodge with a
game of control.

The Groom won! Showing the last time he'll ever
have any control- hue hue. Wedding humor.

Next we did some Valley of the Kings.

After what might have been the meanest game of VoK ever, I
managed to come away as the winner with my big ass library.

Love Letter was next. The Best man took this one.

Next, we were in a cabin in the woods. Why not run away from a deranged
Bear-loving killer?

My character, Jody the Virgin. I'll let any jokes there go unsaid. Either
way, we managed to escape the deranged killer!

Finally I tried to escape two deranged aliens in space. The Groom
made sure to kill me dead, dead.

The Groom and his Groomsmen.

Beautiful Wedding site down by the lake at the fire ring~

One of my Groomsman gifts. I'm currently wrangling with
this Dragon (wyvern, whatever) now.

Friends and Family gathered for Ray's big day. Have
a wonderful wedding buddy!

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