Sunday, October 2, 2016

Wasteland Commissions and a gribbly Beastie!

The latest batch of commissioned miniatures for the Wasteland!

On the left we have a PURGE inspired civilized wastelander, in the center we
have a new BoS foot soldier, and on the right my attempt at a gun-slinging ghoul.

An aerial view, a look at some of their bases.

We have an Indiana Jones style explorer, a deranged convict to join the raiders,
and a cool sledge-hammer wielding wastelander.
The girl in the purple jacket, as well as the two lads in the fore are actually
Reaper Bones- I'm pleasantly surprised with how they came out!

Pivoting, we have a Carrion Crawler! Spooky and gross indeed!

I tried to keep the beast's base setting agnostic. It could easily be some fantasy
scrubland, or alien wilderness, or wasteland highlands. The perfect random encounter,
no matter what setting!
Everything on my painting desk. The strange alien bird is about half-done, and
is following the same basing/painting strategy as the carrion crawler!

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