Thursday, October 13, 2016

Apocalyptic Tokens and a Pygmy Super Mutant Commission

Any skirmish game worth its salt needs objective markers! I've
taken a page out of the Frostgrave Treasure book with these- just
replace gold with precious, precious fuel.

Dad builds tank models. and there were a few fuel cans lying
around so... why not? Oh, and a relay/beacon thing from 40k.

The newest commission, a pygmy super mutant warband for This
Is Not a Test made by Prodos miniatures.

Of course I did some converting, starting with the flamethrower- with
an Orc mine on the ground for some extra flavor.

Orange hair and orange fire. Burn baby burn.

Even these small buggers come in Nightkin flavors, like this hunter.

Spear from a Chaos Marauder set, and a cloak-bag thing right
from a kroot plastic kit.

Bigger base? He must be a leader. I envision this guy as a
potential psychic mutant in the warband.

The only conversion here is the meat-hook on his belt from
a chaos Marauder's flail.

A brute reloading after firing off a clip as evidenced by the
pile of casings next to him and the pose.

Severed head from a Chaos Marauder kit. I also apologize for the
overuse of man fingers in this particular post.

This mutant has a melta bomb! He's a bit of a homage to Super
Mutant Suiciders from the games.

Its not a perfect conversion, as you can kind of see, but the illusion
isn't terrible- especially from the front.

Mohawk mutant, in the middle of unloading on some poor
wasteland resident or creature, with casings actively ejecting!

Bang, Bang, Bang~

Finally we have the 'leader'. Swinging around some meat-hooks  he's ready
to lead his brood of freaks into the wastes.

Its hard to see, but the back of his head is covered in a cybernetic metal
plate. Is he being controlled by some other group? Is it the result of
strange primitive surgery? Only time can tell.

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