Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Mechs and This is Not a Test

Some Heavy Gear (Southern Forces) Mechs I acquired in a trade. They
may or may not end up fighting under the auspice of  Osprey's new
'Horizon Wars' ruleset.

I didn't really have enough arms and guns for everyone, so that led to
some of the individuals getting some minor customization like
these two. Gunslinger on the left, Macross Missile Man on the right.
In other news, our new This is Not a Test book arrived from
the kickstarter! Beautiful both outside and in, though I have  yet
to delve into the rules updates yet from the old PDF.

I didn't splurge, sadly, on the miniatures- but we still have some
Giant rats, a mutant, and a DJ to add to the roster.

Now, I had this though while basing the models. I can't think of a reason
why these heavy gear models couldn't stand in as heavily armored bipedal
security or assault robots for TINAT. Just food for thought!

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