So, usually I like to only post miniatures that are 100% complete, but I figured that I'd break that rule for something a little special. Here I have my very first Merc Team, representing the GCC (otherwise known as 'THE LAW'). The miniatures are, with slight variations, probably hovering around 90 - 95% level of completion. They need some touch ups here and there and I'm thinking of applying some gloss to their heads/eyes... but the big one is basing. I've never done it before, but I'm thinking about finding some resin bases to give them a nice Sci-Fi feel. If any of you have any suggestions/comments, feel free to share!
Now, fluff-wise, Merc teams often have nicknames. Since I went with a purple and gold motif for my GCC, I thought a 'royal' theme would be fun. Standard GCC metal is replaced with gold as, in my mind, this squad does not try to hide itself. No, they WANT to be seen and feared by their targets. It is said that this Merc unit prosecutes only the most important of cases, oftentimes leading to the ruination of whatever corporate elite they have their eye on. Each carries a code name of some ancient or mythical ruler, and together they are known as 'The Court of Kings'.
Or, at least, that's my WIP fluff. So obviously these guys are for Mercs- but you all know how much I like miniatures with multiple purposes. I chose GCC because they had a very Sci-Fi feel- and I wanted to make sure that I had miniatures appropriate for Osprey Publishings Rogue Stars game in the winter! Maybe I'll leave out the models showing some skin, and have them be some sort of spooky aliens.... or space cops. Of course, I could also maybe use them for my favorite post apocalypse game This is Not a Test as some sort of strange 'Reclaimer' faction. We'll certainly see one way or another! Until then, I just hope I can figure these guys out with getting stomped on by the CCC.
The Court of Kings in their shiny, paper-armored glory. |
The Team 'Chief', Hammurabi. |
I haven't painted his foot-rest yet- it'll have to wait until I decide how to base the heroic team leader. |
Sneaky 'Agent' Augustus is next, covering most of his shiny gold with a sensible subtle leather coat. |
Well. Maybe not TOO subtle. |
Team 'Sniper' Suiko, looking very rough in this picture. She certainly needs/ deserves some work around her edges. |
Cloak looks nice though. |
Next we have Theodora the 'Recorder', with her faithful camera drone Arachne. |
She MIGHT be my favorite GCC sculpt. Its a tough choice to be sure. |
The Hammer man himself, my GCC Tribunal 'Gilgamesh'. |
Come to a gunfight with a hammer and a shield? Real smart. |
Team Heavy Support Barbarossa. |
He brought TWO guns to make up for the Tribunal. |
The other option for my favorite model, the Team 'Judge'- Arthur. |
He did NOT do well in my first practice game. One shot, broken armor... and well he managed to stand still and look cool before death. |
Team 'Booster' Solomon! |
Lots of bags, full of delicious chemicals. |
The master of destruction himself, Team 'Demo' Saladin. |
Fun pose. Sidebar, while I decide on how I want to to their bases, I'll probably color their bases for game play purposes. |
Last but not least we have Team 'Breacher' Cao Cao. |
Naming these boys and girls in purple was a good deal of fun. Hopefully I'll get the chance to completely finish them soon! |
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